Mumbai Kid. Internet Entrepreneur, Online Traction Consultant, UI/UX Enthusiast, Innovation, Automation, Wordpress/PHP, Optimist, Workaholic, Honest!

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Mumbai Kid. Internet Entrepreneur, Online Traction Consultant, UI/UX Enthusiast, Innovation, Automation, Wordpress/PHP, Optimist, Workaholic, Honest!


“I don’t believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be.”

— Ken Venturi

Hey there, thanks for visiting! My name is Abhishek and I am the person behind this website.

Professionally, I am an entrepreneur with an interesting in several Internet projects. I own, operate or hold a stake in several e-zines, web and mobile apps. I also work on board as a online traction consultant for a few e-commerce portals & SaaS companies. I am also a preliminary investor and take interest in startups that wish to change the world for the better.

Apart from being an entrepreneur, I also have previously worked in Web Development, more specifically WordPress –  a script that I have been working with for about 6 years. WordPress also powers a lot of my e-zines and has been a delight to work with. User Interface & User Experience have always intrigued me and play an important role in what I do. I am also a huge proponent of automation and try automate my workflow almost on a daily basis.

However, off late, I have moved on to becoming a business manager more than a developer. As this allows me more time to scale my ventures and less and less time to worry about missing a semi-colon or pondering as to why IE8 is the scum of the earth.

Though I’d like to list my projects here and show off (who doesn’t want to do that?) – this website is geared towards my views as an individual and I’d like to keep it that way.

As a liking, I indulge in music production part time. I am a huge fan of electronic dance music and whatever little time I get is devoted to this form of music. I have a few tracks in the works and hopefully, they’ll see the light of the day soon.

I am also an avid writer. I have co-authored several ebooks – that mostly pertain to the web development and business expansion work. I also write short stories & poems when I get the time. As of the moment, I am using whatever little time I get to finish a book – a novel that deals with the intricacies of life and the mistakes we so often overlook.

On a personal note, I am a 32 year old from Mumbai. With a largely development outlook – I believe in collective growth. I’ve been blessed with a lot of things. A great family who’s been by my side through thick and thin. Friends who’ve stuck with me forever, have been there for me whenever time called, have stood up for me when the need arised. A business that has been growing! I was always the one extra-matured kid of the lot. The one guy who was welcome among the elders. The little one who spoke their language, thought like them, behaved like them.

I’ve been through a lot of things too. I started when I was all but 13. And then they began. Failed businesses. Failed relationship. Backstabbing from best friends and business associates. Failed investments. Lawsuits troubles. A normal man would take the first way out when time came – but somehow I managed to stick on. I have had to restart my life from scratch. I did. I came back up. As they say, an entrepreneur has never understood his business, until he sees the off-sides.

On this site, you will find articles and notes that pertain to viewpoints that belong to me and me only. Occasionally, I might have friends over to guest blog a piece – but that will be a rare occasion.

Thank you for reading everyone. You’ve all been a great audience. More Power to you!

Mumbai Kid. Internet Entrepreneur, Online Traction Consultant, UI/UX Enthusiast, Innovation, Automation, Wordpress/PHP, Optimist, Workaholic, Honest!

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